GesproNET production manager program and truck fleet

GesproNET is a solution that allows to centralize the orders of concrete of multiple plants depending on the availability of transport and the capacity of production.

Equipping the trucks with units of geolocation GEOLEC, the application GesproNET saves the historical of the transport of the concrete with the happened events, during the process of load, transport and unload of the concrete and relates it with the delivery note of load that takes place in plant with the application GesteNET

GesproNET is an application that he calculates the average time of transport to a work in different periods of the day as trips are done and it allows to indicate therefore the client when it will receive the order of requested concrete.

The application stores in his database the historical of the transport, also times of going throug, arrival and stop in points of interest (plants, works, gas stations, etc.) as events in the process of transport (speeds of turn of the vat, events of unload, added water, etc.). The program, at the end of the day, sends an e-mail to the directions got with the incidents by truck happened in the manufacture that the administrator of the program has selected.

The program GesproNET connects in real time with the application of management production of concrete of plant GestecNET, for what the orders assigned to a plant from the program GestecNET are displayed to the operator in his sheet of production. The operator of plant can introduce also orders in the worksheet of the plant, being these reflected in the application GesproNET